Sunday, January 21, 2007

Two practices in one entry.

Yet more kata on Saturday, but it was welcome, vaguely, at least--an emphasis on choking up the back foot in all situations after ayumiashi to maintain the proper stance, especially in various zanshin type situations. Also the earnestness of the strike (tsuki) in nanahonme. Other than that, the main problem I have is the main problem of the kata-failees: after being in jodan-no-kamae, my sword dips back before the strike.

Practice itself was fine, if somewhat disconnected and not as aggressive as I usually am: I need to stay loose and Sensei chided me on not striking deeply enough, while Saturday sensei said I should continue to observe the opponent closely.

Today's practice focused a lot on footwork. That abdomen-based feeling of pushing the opponent with the tip of the shinai--not sticking the hands out. SAR drills I did horribly on (not enough spring forward). Other than that, not so much to note: the usual sequence of kihon strike drills, the most interesting being kote-men, men, hiki-men.

Mawari-geiko was somewhat unremarkable: just need to keep working on the basics. Felt good, though, to be back, especially since I'll miss two practices in the coming week.


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