Sunday, April 30, 2006

I've not been going into nearly enough detail in these entries, mostly due to exhaustion, but then again attendance was so low today that there were only three people when practice began, which made ashi-sabaki very painful indeed, what with no breaks.
We also did all sorts of exotic suburi instead of the usual routine: joge-buri, sayu-joge-buri, shomen, sayu-men, sayu-men with hiraki-ashi, squat suburi (painful), lunge suburi, and then said ashi-sabaki. With men-tsuke it got more traditional, focusing on men, kote-men, and various waza such as nuki-men, suriage-men, debana-waza, and so on.

Keiko itself was great because with only seven people, you do get to practice with everyone at least once. I'm told to be more careful with smaller waza, so that I can actually land strikes with proper kikentai. Also, I should not bend backwards, like a lumberjack when striking. Other than that, it was a little painful, all those sayu-kote, but otherwise not all that much to say--just a very sweaty, intense practice--great for waking up on a Sunday.


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