Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I am trying to devise a program. I suppose suburi don't count, but whereas before I tried to do sets of as many as possible, recent advice (from certain taikai-champs and hachidan-sensei) has convinced me that less is more--so I try to do shorter sets with better shisei and tenouchi. In particular, I think that it's a problem that most of the time I don't have easy access to a mirror. It helps immeasurably, while the new focus on having my arms more perpendicular than v-shaped and down is also a different sort of goal with my suburi. But the suburi resolution is just 500, but daily, not just off days. All shomen, sets of 100. A shame I can't practice hayasuburi.

Hindu squats! I'm going to try and do this on off days.

It's just not clear, even with the better weather, how I can work in better cardio. And there's not as good a way to do kakari-geiko type training. I suppose there's always interval training, though I've never been so big on that.

I'm still vain enough to note that although my pecs and so on have shrunken, my forearms are getting more and more defined. Still not Popeye, though.


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