Sunday, January 06, 2008

Kagami Biraki. I guess I could blog about all 1000 suburi, the keiko, the mitori-geiko, the party I didn't attend.

Instead, what I talk about is the trip. I was deeply unsure as to whether practice began early (noon), normally (noon-thirty), or late (1pm) so I did my best to get on the subway. But the problem was that due to an ongoing investigation at Hunter's Point, all Manhattan-bound 7 trains stop at Qnsboro plaza or 61st St, meaning that at some point we were told to take the Q32. We all left, but since I am still without an unlimited MetroCard, this meant that I had to use another swipe on the bus, also my last. But then and there, we saw the train, and eventually I got on the Q60 to second avenue and 60th, where I trekked two blocks to the 6 train and used my citicard payment tag to get to the train. I ended up at the dojo by 1220, way early as it turns out.

My point? I maintained my composure throughout. That is what kendo is.


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