Friday, February 29, 2008

So there were two radically different practices.

Tuesday, Aussie Sensei led us through a Tokyo special, whcih meant in lieu of the normal dojo length ashi sabaki, we grouped into fours led by a sensei a piece and did diagonal all-the-way to the wall follow-through to all sorts of basic strikes like men, kote-men, kote-men-do, but all only for an hour before some vigorous jigeiko.

Thursday, Sensei led us through some really basic but much-needed strikes, mostly from issoku: men, kote (lift up without shoulders, then step in a little diagonally, but not much), suriage-men, kaeshi-do, kirikaeshi+karageiko, and all with an emphasis on 'tsuki-mon' but no actual tsuki.

Keiko was interesting: I fought against a jodan-shodan. He was tough, but I landed at least one clean men.


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