Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Oddly enough, this post is written just before going to practice. It's been bad, the ways in which both my extracurricular conditioning and my blogging/journaling have basically died out of late. Now that I have blazing wireless, there should be no excuse.

In terms of conditioning, I'm not going back to the hindu-squats from before my back injury, but I have fully (or mostly) inflated an exercise/physio-/swiss ball and so try to do a lot of reverse crunches, and then a medley of squatted (static) suburi (shomen, sayumen), squatting (dynamic) suburi (to two inches above the floor), lunge (right, left) suburi (two inches from floor), and other core conditioning exercises. Gone is my previous focus on the heaviest suburito I could find.

Hopefully there will be few training interruptions this summer.


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