Someone neglected to tell Sensei that the shiai's over--we uncharacteristically continued smaller-waza practice and so on today. I think Sensei managed to invent a few new kinds of kakarigeiko. Another focus was on oji-waza in response first to definite-kote, definite-men, and then men-or-kote. My kote-nuki-men is still pretty good, and my suriage-men is improving, but the kote-ojigaeshi-men is pretty much still hopeless. Also men-suriage-men is hard, as it's easier to just hit debana-men. It's odd because Sensei himself rarely does the bogued hit-on-the-blocks-with-counter-waza drills. It was exhausting.
And that was all before the half-minute mawari-geiko. Too bad I wasn't keeping score.
Early on, though, I felt happy with the light-touch and good tenouchi after some of the new-men uchikomi-geiko. We'll see what that means down the road, though.