I'll first list the excuses: Thursday tired, sleepy, Perlas ng Silangan; Saturday tired Wifey's going-away party and for pickup for Storage USA next morning; Sunday exhausted and headachey after moving everything in two hours into Storage. But really just to snuggle a little more with Wifey.
But I can't resist Tuesdays, since the only ones I'll have left will be the conversion Mondays. Today was laidback with the A/C on, and led by Sensei rather than one of the regular Tuesday Sensei. The focus was on SAR-heavy ashisabaki, regular menuchi, koteuchi, kote-men, suriage-men (the trick, which I finally got sometimes today, is to raise the shinai a little bit, straight-up, not to block, and then to hit a small men after receiving the strike. Stay straight!). Squat-suburi hurt at the time, but I think that my posture there has goten marginally better--I don't yet hurt, but soon might; the tsuki-straight-in-then-tenouchi-kote was also very helpful and accompanied by a few satisfying thwacks. I still need to work on my sashi-kote-men. Keiko itself was not remarkable, with oddly enough no Sensei... I'll miss it all, though.