Last keiko of the year. No longer the Sunday-special, unfortunately, but plenty of leg-stretching goodness, kihon-waza, and not nearly enough kakari-geiko. I need to become much more conscious of who I practice with and how well I do against them, that sort of thing--I need to return to blogging or notebooking or something. In the past, this blog is more condensed, whereas the notebook is much more person-by-person notes. Somethign like that, but I've become not only unreflective but also lazy--skipping weekday practices, in part due to the lack of a metrocard, in part due to having too much work, but also largely because I'm just lazy. So instead, I've started doing a home-regimen, which I want to slowly ramp up. Right now it's two sets of 100 seated suburi followed by 50 hindu squats. I need to build up slowly to zenshin kotai men suburi (standing, which will require moving around some furniture) with the four different suburito that I have, and sets of 100 hindu squats. But I'll build up slowly. After sandan, I'll do the whole 1000 suburi for 1000 days thing... Nothing else to report until kagami biraki!